Star Defender (Space Invaders Clone)
🚀 Star Defender
A Space Invaders Clone.
My game #3 of the 20 Games Challenge.
🖥️ Code
👋 Acknowledgments
- Design: Michael J. Kozubal Jr.
- Code: Michael J. Kozubal Jr.
- Engine: Godot
- Space Background: Polovinkin
- Spaceships: Fearless Design
- Health Meter, Projectiles, & Impact Effects: bdragon1727
- Background Music & SFX: JDSherbert
- Additional Sound Effects: omzombie
- Additional Sound Effects: vycksounds
- Font (Heavy Data): Vic Fieger
- Font (Orbitron): Matt McInerney
- Special Thanks: Matthew S
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Wow! Looks great!!